

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Erika Luther

Erika Luther has been working at Ida B. Wells High School as an ASL teacher for the past 10 years. Luther was born in Denver, Colorado and attended the University of Northern Colorado, where she got her bachelor’s degree in communication disorders and a master’s degree in deaf education. Her uncle exposed her to the deaf community in elementary school inspiring her to learn ASL. Luther enjoys the students at IBW the most. “They’re all from different backgrounds, I like that my students want to learn American Sign Language and I like to see them progress in their skills and abilities throughout the different levels,” says Luther. Luther has always been a very athletic person, in high school she played softball and volleyball. She looks up to her mom and uncle, who have always been there for her and introduced her to the things she loves.

Written by Ellie Ruden, Intro to Journalism, Spring 2024