
  • Tarot Cards

    The Fine Arts department at Wilson offers the opportunity for all students to develop their interests and talents in the areas of visual arts and publications. A wide variety of Fine Arts courses are offered which provide instruction and performance opportunities for all levels of ability and experience. Many programs are offered with four–year advanced curricula. Whether a student has years of experience or is someone with a curiosity about the Arts, everyone is encouraged to enroll. The Arts promote critical and imaginative thinking, problem–solving and self–discipline— qualities that contribute to improved student performance in all areas.

    Juniors and Seniors who are motivated to learn studio operation, management skills and peer tutoring can forecast for Studio Art Technician. Additional information is available in the Special Programs/Electives section of this Guide.

    Course List


    • Printmaking 1-2
    • Drawing, Painting and Printmaking
    • Art: Advanced
    • Illustration: Advanced 
    • AP Studio Art: Drawing
    • AP Studio Art: 2-D


    • AP Art History


    • Ceramics 1-2
    • Ceramics 3-4 Advanced
    • AP Studio Art 3-D Design: Ceramics


    • Visual Arts: Photography
    • Advanced Visual Arts: Photography
    • AP Studio Art 2-D: Photography


    • Studio Art Technician


    Course Descriptions



    Printmaking 1-2 Year 9-12 Prerequisite: None 1 unit, 1 period
    Printmaking is an art form that goes back thousands of years and was employed by the early Mesopotamians, the Chinese and Egyptians. Printmaking is the process of transferring an image from a block, plate or other matrix to paper or textile material in order to make a designated number of the same image. In this class students will carve, etch, cut stencils and create plates to be printed using a printing press and by hand. We will explore collagraph, screen-printing, linoleum cut, etching, drypoint as well as numerous other printmaking techniques. If you are someone who enjoys the creative process, loves to draw and would enjoy learning a new and exciting art form this class is for you!

    Drawing, Painting and Printmaking (Draw–Paint–Print) Year 9 – 12 Prerequisite: None 1 unit, 1 period
    Draw–Paint–Print explores problem–solving, creativity, design, and craftsmanship through a variety of two-dimensional media. Draw–Paint–Print will incorporate the visual elements and the principles of design, idea development, and will teach a variety of tools and techniques. This course is designed to give students a broad experience in a variety of materials like graphite, charcoal, ink, colored pencil, oil pastel, watercolor, gouache, acrylic, collage, mixed media, screen-printing and relief printmaking. Students are expected to keep a sketchbook of designs, drawings, and ideas. Hands–on art experiences provide opportunities for a multitude of learning styles, increase student confidence, and can improve overall academic performance.

    Art: Advanced Year 10 – 12 Prerequisite: Draw–Paint–Print. 1 unit, 1 period
    Advanced Art is a course for students who wish to continue their studies in two–dimensional art. Areas of study include drawing, painting and printmaking. A variety of media will be explored such as india ink, pen, pencil, colored pencil, watercolor, acrylic, screenprinting and mixed media. Art History, criticism and aesthetics are integrated into the course work. Students are expected to keep a sketchbook of designs, drawings and ideas. Opportunities are available for students to explore art-related career opportunities and advanced educational options,
    meet professional artists and begin to create a body of work for a portfolio.

    Illustration: Advanced Year 10 – 12 Prerequisite: Draw-Paint-Print. 1 unit, 1 period
    This course focuses on methods and techniques for effectively conveying storytelling through illustration. Character development, single images, panels, editorial illustration, comics, and children’s book illustration will be explored. We will look at both classic and contemporary books to study composition, setting, technique, and visual narrative. We will use a variety of media including pencil, colored pencil, pen, ink, marker and watercolor. Students will keep a sketchbook of drawings and ideas, and will be challenged to create their own unique finished illustrations.
    AP Studio Art: Drawing Year 11 – 12 Prerequisite: Art: Advanced or Illustration: Advanced and teacher permission. 1 unit, 1 period
    AP Studio Drawing addresses advanced concepts in drawing and painting using a wide range of media. Students will demonstrate their skills and ideas by creating observational, abstract and inventive works of art. Students are expected to keep a sketchbook of designs, drawings and ideas. Students will develop a portfolio of work exploring a broad range of conceptual approaches to drawing. In addition to works of art that demonstrate visual principles and material techniques, students will also create a body of work that demonstrates an in–depth investigation of a particular visual topic. This concentration idea will be developed based on a student’s interest. Portfolios produced in this course may be submitted to the College Board for AP evaluation and potential college credit. Choosing to complete an AP Studio portfolio requires additional independent work outside class.

    AP Studio Art: 2–D Year 11 – 12 Prerequisite: Art: Advanced or Illustration: Advanced and teacher permission. 1 unit, 1 period
    AP Studio 2–D design is a course that studies the elements and principles of design. Students will demonstrate their skills and ideas by using the design principles on two–dimensional surfaces. Media may include one or more of the following: photography, digital imaging, graphic design, painting and printmaking. Students are expected to keep a sketchbook journal of ideas and class notes. Students will develop a portfolio of work demonstrating their understanding of the principles of design. In addition to works of art that demonstrate visual principles and material techniques, students will also create a body of work that demonstrates an in–depth investigation of a particular design concern. This concentration idea will be developed based on a student’s interest. Portfolios produced in this course may be submitted to the College Board for AP evaluation and potential college credit. Choosing to complete an AP Studio portfolio requires additional independent work outside of class.

    Art History

    AP Art History Year 10 – 12 Prerequisite: None; 1 unit, 1 period
    AP Art History students will consider influential forces like patronage, politics, class, belief, gender, and ethnicity in their analysis of art forms. They will examine styles, techniques, themes, and chronology, comparing and contrasting art forms from varied perspectives. The course focuses on a specific set of 250 works of art in 10 content areas beginning with art from global prehistory and ending with global works from the present.


    Ceramics 1-2 Year 10 – 12 Prerequisite: None 1 unit, 1 period
    Ceramics is an exploratory course in sculpture and design using clay. Students will develop abilities in forming clay by hand and by wheel. Emphasis is on learning the clay process and the sequential development of skills, from simple to complex. Awareness of aesthetic principles and craftsmanship will be developed through visual study and pottery production. Application of
    cultural and historical knowledge will lead to a more sophisticated understanding of pottery. Students may be expected to keep a journal or sketchbook of designs, drawings, and ideas. Design elements, drawing skills, and renderings will be developed. Students in Ceramics are expected to be self–motivated, self–directed learners who can work independently.

    Ceramics 3-4: Advanced Year 10 – 12 Prerequisite: One year of high school Ceramics or teacher approval. 1 unit, 1 period
    Advanced pottery is designed for the serious art student who wants to develop ideas, skills and understanding of clay as a three–dimensional medium. Students will have the opportunity to refine technical skills related to hand building, sculpture, and wheel throwing. A variety of design possibilities will be presented, allowing students to choose styles and methods that facilitate the use of clay as a medium for fine arts and personal expression. Traditional and contemporary glaze application as well as kiln processes and firing will be studied. Each student keeps a journal/sketchbook of work, designs, and ideas. Each quarter students participate in an outside activity relating to ceramics and the arts and provide a write–up evaluating the experience.

    AP Studio Art 3–D Design: Ceramics Year 11 – 12 Prerequisite: Ceramics 3-4: Advanced or teacher permission. 1 unit, 1 period
    AP 3–D Design allows the experienced ceramics student to investigate specific areas of three dimensional form in depth. Students will produce a variety of self–directed and designed three dimensional works to include in their portfolio. Students who elect to take this course must be self–motivated and self–directed as well as cooperative, responsible art students. This course is directed toward those preparing art portfolios for college entrance. Students will produce a 3–D design portfolio which demonstrates their understanding of design principles as they relate to depth and space. The portfolio needs to demonstrate their attention to quality, a concentration on an area of investigation, and a wide breadth of conceptual approaches to 3–D Design. Additionally students will produce written analyses of their work, keep a sketchbook, develop a written artist statement, and spend time out–of–class working on projects. Ongoing critiques and self–evaluations will be an integral part of this class. There is a fee for materials the student takes home.


    Visual Arts: Photography Year 10 – 12 Prerequisites: Students should have access to a 35 mm camera with an adjustable shutter speed and an f–stop. There are a limited number of school cameras available for student use. 1 unit, 1 period
    The fine art of photography emphasizes aesthetic, compositional and technical photographic experiences using black and white processes. This course teaches the basic use of the 35mm manual camera and darkroom techniques. Students learn to create interesting photographic compositions by developing an eye for seeing and selecting images, camera operation for selective vision, recording light and exposing film, developing the negative, making the final print and evaluating their work. An introduction to photography related careers, the history of photography and digital photography will be integrated into the course.

    Advanced Visual Arts: Photography Year 10 – 12 Prerequisite: One year of Visual Art Photography and a 35 mm camera with an adjustable shutter speed, f–stop and a light meter. There are a number of cameras available for student use. 1 unit, 1 period
    From photojournalism to fine art prints, two and three–dimensional presentation of photographic images and alternative printing processes, this class explores a variety of photographic approaches to photography, including digital photography. Aesthetics as well as technical skills will be emphasized. Contemporary, historical and career information will be presented. Students are expected to keep a sketchbook journal of ideas and class notes. Students are encouraged to develop their individual styles and prepare portfolios. Juniors and seniors who have taken at least one year of Advanced Visual Art Photography may choose to submit their portfolio for evaluation through the College Board, Advanced Placement Program. Choosing to complete an AP Studio Portfolio requires additional independent work based on an individual area of concentration.

    AP Studio Art: 2–D: Photography Year 11 – 12 Prerequisite: Advanced Photography and teacher permission. 1 unit, 1 period
    AP Studio 2–D photography is a course that studies the elements and principles of photography. Students will demonstrate their skills and ideas by using the design principles on two–dimensional surfaces. Students are expected to keep a sketchbook journal of ideas and class notes. Students will develop a portfolio of work demonstrating their understanding of the principles of design. In addition to works of art that demonstrate visual principles and material techniques, students will also create a body of work that demonstrates an in–depth investigation of a particular design concern. This concentration idea will be developed based on a student’s interest. Portfolios produced in this course may be submitted to the College Board for AP evaluation and potential college credit. Choosing to complete an AP Studio portfolio requires additional independent work outside of class.

    Studio Art Technician Year 11 – 12 Prerequisites: Motivation to learn studio operation, management skills and peer tutoring. Prior classroom experience with tools and materials is desirable. Permission of instructor required. 1 unit, 1 period
    Studio Arts Technician (ST) is a support position to assist in the studio with daily operations and management of the studio classroom, office areas and exhibition areas. Students will learn skills applicable and transferable to jobs outside of school i.e. frame shop, tile factory, photography studio, artist assistant, gallery assistant etc. ST's specific tasks will vary according to the studio assignment in Ceramics, Photography, Draw/Paint/Print or Graphics studios and labs.