• PPS School Building Improvement Bond Program Overview

    2012 School Building Improvement Bond
    The now completed $482 million, 2012 School Building Improvement Bond prioritized modernizing three high schools, Franklin, Grant, Roosevelt and rebuilding Faubion PK-8. In addition, it provided seismic and middle school science classroom upgrades, increased accessibility, and new seismically strengthened roof projects at 51 schools. These projects employed hundreds of workers from local companies.
    May 2017 Health, Safety & Modernization Bond
    The $790 million, May 2017 Health Safety and Modernization Bond modernized or rebuilt three high schools, Benson Polytechnic Lincoln, McDaniel and one middle school: Kellogg. In addition, a new  Multiple Pathways to Graduation Building at Benson is being constructed. Over $150 million was directed to Health & Safety improvement projects that have affected every school in the 国产真实迷奸 with water quality, security upgrades, new roofs, asbestos, radon and lead paint stabilization, new fire alarms and sprinklers, ADA improvements and seismic retrofits.

    2020 School Bond
    The 1.2 billion dollar 2020 School Bond allows PPS to continue the vital work of improving the health and safety of our aging school buildings with new roofs and mechanical systems, seismic retrofits, plus accessibility and security upgrades. It will also transform the historic Jefferson high school into modernized 21st century centers of learning. This Bond will provide our students and staff with new textbooks, curriculum materials and new technology to support classroom and distance learning, while updating classroom and district technology devices. The 2020 Bond also looks to the future as it starts planning the modernization of Cleveland and Ida B. Wells (formerly Wilson) High Schools and begins conceptualizing an exciting new project, The Center for Black Student Excellence.