Canvas in PPS

  • Canvas is available to students in grades 3-12 and all teachers and staff. It is the classroom platform for grades 6-12 and can be optionally used in grades 3-5 and by PPS staff/teachers for professional learning. Support, training, and professional learning can be found below.

  • How to log in to Canvas

  • Canvas Support and Learning Modules

  • Account Roles and Account Requests

  • Cross-Listing Canvas Courses

  • Canvas Commons and Course Templates

  • School and Classroom Agreements

External Tools

  • While Canvas supports many built-in features for teachers and students, additional features can be added by third-party vendors. Referred to as external tools, these applications add functionality in various ways. Some add navigation to the course menu bar while others add functionality to the rich content editor or to the type of external assignments that can be used. 

    Learn more about External Tools or request integration.

  • External Tools Support

  • Hiding Tools Not In Use

Canvas Logo

Canvas Leadership Team

Ryan Hoxie
Technology Integration TOSA
Chris Brida
Director or CTE & AP/IB
Filip Hristic
Senior Director, Grades 9-12 Core/CCR
Melissa Lim
Learning Technologies Program Admin

LMS and Digital Resources