
  • Kinders will come in once a week for the purpose of checking out books, learning library skills and listening to stories. I will provide your child with books they can enjoy at home.

    Please help your child with the following:

    • They will be able to check out only 1 book. Please use your public library to supplement your child’s book needs.
    • They may keep the book up to 2 weeks. Many kinders like to bring the book back week by week so they do not miss out on selecting & checking out a new book.
    • Remind your child to care for their books – clean hands, use bookmarks (please do not dog ear the pages), etc.
    • Send damaged books to school for repair. Please do not mend them at home. Damaged books may be billed to you depending on the condition.
    • Help your child find a safe place for his/her library book that is out of reach of pets and younger siblings.
    • If your child forgets to return their book, they will need to return their overdue books before another is checked out. This may be disappointing to your child, but it helps teach responsibility skills.
    • I will be teaching the following behavior expectations with your child’s class:
    • Be Safe, be responsible and respectful to each other.
    • Respect school property including library materials
    • Use quiet voices in the library
    • Return materials on time
    • Use time wisely

    If you have any questions, it is best to contact me via e-mail at