Teacher-Librarian Job Description


    1. Instruction reflects well-planned and effective methodology.
    2. Instruction reflects adequate and current knowledge of library skills, literacy promotion, and technology.
    3. Improves professional skills through inservice workshops, district meetings, continuing education, etc.
    4. Goal setting and cooperative planning with supervisor.


    1. Establishes policies and procedures for the Library/Media program.
    2. Provides ongoing evaluation for Library/Media program.
    3. Participates in curriculum planning on school and district level.
    4. Allocates annual media budget based on objectives and goals of the Library/Media program.
    5. Provides an atmosphere conducive to individual, group inquiry, research and study.
    6. Supervises, instructs and evaluates library parent and student volunteers.


    1. Shows respect, consideration and fairness of students varying learning levels.
    2. Meets needs of students with special interests, abilities, and learning problems.
    3. Gives students personal help and positive reinforcement.
    4. Challenges students to think and express their thoughts through library related activities.
    5. Helps students set achievement expectations and evaluate their own progress.
    6. Makes clear to the students what they are learning and why.


    1. Includes culturally diverse themes in lessons and instruction, including historical or other information as to cultures having significant impact on the world, nation or community.
    2. Aware and appreciates cultural diversity and the importance of communication skills reflecting sensitivity to the feeling of all persons regardless of their race, color, religion, sex, age or national origin.
    3. Materials in Library/Media centers supports the districts instructional program.
    4. Develops collection through selection and acquisition to reflect cultural diversity.


    1. Reviews, selects, and orders appropriate instructional materials and equipment with input from staff and students.
    2. Develops collection through selection and acquisition to reflect cultural diversity.
    3. Maintains, organizes, and inventories media center collection.
    4. Maintains, appropriate data for center operation, such as circulation and utilization.
    5. Keeps media collection up-to-date by systematic weeding.
    6. Reviews and maintains technology needs & problems of the Library/Media Center.


    1. Arranges seating and working areas appropriate for the kinds of learning experiences planned.
    2. Has aesthetically pleasing and organized room.
    3. Keeps room properly lit, ventilated, and free of hazards to health and safety.


    1. Promotes use of center by preparing bibliographies, making displays, making teachers, parents and students aware of resources.
    2. Assists teachers in selecting appropriate media for units of study.
    3. Provides expertise and facilities for the production of a variety of educational materials by students and staff.
    4. Assists the staff in securing professional materials.
    5. Coordinates the school media program with district and community organizations.


    1. Planning instruction for the Library curriculum.
    2. Uses tests and/or other evaluative information in planning instructional units and after instruction to determine if goals have been met.
    3. Consults principal, specialist, other teachers in the school, and students in evaluating own plans, methods, and results.
    4. Uses instruments and methods that effectively measure the students' attainment of learning goals.
    5. Makes clear to students how success in learning will be judged.
    6. Communicates effectively with parent and students regarding student achievement behavior.
    7. Communicates effectively with teacher, parent and student the Library/Media Services.


    1. Cooperates with and supports faculty members.
    2. Observes the spirit and intent of rules and regulations of the school and school system.
    3. Assumes necessary non-instructional responsibilities.
    4. Provides complete data (fines, obsolete, lost, and circulation) to the school and district administration as requested for management purposes.
    5. Shares the responsibilities with all other employees for promoting the educational goals and developing pubic acceptance of the school system.


    1. Works with the teachers in planning and implementing the building's curriculum.
    2. Provides programs to ensure instruction in library skills including study habits, independence in learning, research and techniques of inquiry and critical evaluation.
    3. Shares information with staff concerning student progress, problems and achievements as observed in the media center.
    4. Provides staff inservice training necessary for the effective use of media resources, technology, equipment and media center.
    5. Includes appropriate multi-ethnic themes in program activities.