• Things to Know

    Free consultation and project development
    Call us first as you plan ahead. We'll help you determine sizes, layouts, designs and paper stocks that will give you the most for your money.

    Free estimates
    Call us and we'll give you our best price. Since we are a nonprofit department, we can offer lower prices than outside vendors.

    Helpful, knowledgeable staff
    We have nine staff members with many years of combined experience in printing and graphics.

    High speed copying
    Perfect for when you don't have time to watch the copy machine.

    Color copying
    Our color copier is capable of printing on various weights and sizes of paper up to 12" x 18", including card-stock and transparencies.

    Binding and finishing
    Tabs, collating, padding, stapling, folding, drilling, GBC Comb or tape binding...  we can do it.

    You can pick your up job or choose to have it sent on the Pony to your job site.

    How long will it take?
    For most jobs, we can provide one-day turnaround. More complex jobs will take longer and we'll do our best to give you a realistic time-line. If you need your job in a hurry, please let us know. We'll do our best to meet your deadline. Regular office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.