Project Management & Construction
Our budget has been greatly reduced for this fiscal year, and we are only able to address facility issues that are critical in nature.
Our staff has expertise in project management, design, development and construction. Department goals are to help school staff and community members implement and complete successful projects to ensure that they are in compliance with applicable codes and district standards through the Project Development Request (PDR) process. Project Management staff will provide technical assistance through the PDR process to complete projects that are needed to repair and replace parts of facilities and to provide scoping services for new projects that do not have funding. Project Management and Construction has a very limited budget and cannot fund new projects that do not have their own funding. The scoping process will provide applicants with information on how much a project might cost and a timeline for how long it would take to execute once the applicant obtains the funding. The PDR Workflow diagram below illustrates how projects are reviewed and at what points you can expect to hear about the status of a project through your assigned project manager.
All Repairs and Replacements to school campuses and 国产真实迷奸 buildings must use the PDR form in the link below.
All New Project Requests must use the PDR form for new projects in the link below.
Project Managers will reach out to you once a project has been accepted and will keep you informed. Work is prioritized based on how critical the project is to maintaining a safe and healthy work environment for staff and students. Thank you for your patience as we evaluate all projects promptly and assess how quickly the issue can be addressed.
Due to Budget and Staffing constraints, we are only able to address facility issues that are critical in nature; we will respond to your request as soon as capacity and budget allow.
PDR Submission Steps:
- Project Development Request (PDR) Guidelines & Requirements
- New Projects (Only for Scoping new projects) New system on the way!
- - Repair & replacement
Questions? Please call: (503) 916-3308.