Phone: 503-916-5737 76011


Degrees and Certifications:

Darren Lilla, Assistant Principal

I have been involved in education for over 20 years as a teacher and now administrator. Previously I taught English Language Arts and love to attend the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. Outside of school, I still play and coach soccer. My happy place is the sitting on the beach in Rhode Island because that is where I grew up, and unlike Oregon the water is warm.


One word to describe Darren: Compassionate

Phone: (503) 916-5737 76026


Degrees and Certifications:

Tim Elmer,Library Assistant

I'm the Library Assistant here at Metropolitan Learning Center. This is my 9th year here and I love it. I support the Librarian, the Library Program, our staff and our students. I don't plan to ever retire and will keep coming back as long as I'm asked to.


One word to describe Tim: Neurodivergent