Phone: (503) 916-5737 76032


Degrees and Certifications:

Sarah Walden, K Teacher

Phone: (503) 916-5737 76032


Degrees and Certifications:

Minna Mauney,1 x 2 Teacher

Minna Mauney is a book worm with a passion for hair dye, Ms. Frizzle, and collecting vintage blazers. In her off time you can find her painting her nails, playing with her two dogs Swift and Paisley or basking in the sun with her fiance. She has been teaching for most of her life, having started with a small classroom consisting of her herd of stuffed animals and three year old brother when she was only six. Minna got her Masters in Teaching from UP in 2016 and with a fierce passion for alternative education has used constructivist, experiential, and democratic practices in the classroom to build vigorous, joyful learning opportunities for her students. She firmly believes that relationship and experience based learning are the way of the future, and is determined to remind the world that teaching is life long, intrinsically rewarding, and most importantly, fun.


One word to describe Minna: Expressive

Phone: 503-916-5737 76029


Degrees and Certifications:

Kiana Christian, 3 Teacher

Hi! My name is Kiana. I taught 3rd grade for three years in Oklahoma, where I am originally from. In 国产真实迷奸, I have been a school counselor and a 1st grade teacher. I am excited to return to 3rd grade! I have been fortunate to have had so many great elementary teachers that provided me with a strong foundation. That foundation changed the trajectory of my life as well as my family's life. I want to set students up for success and help them discover what gifts they were meant to share with the world. Outside of teaching I live in Northeast 国产真实迷奸 with my partner and our dog, Cashew. I love art and have recently gotten into pottery. Most of my weekend is spent making slightly mediocre art in the studio or baking.