• IB Courses

    IB coursework takes place in grades 11 and 12. All IB Higher Level (HL) and many IB Standard Level (SL) are taught over two years in preparation for formal IB assessment. The SL courses taught in a single year are: Environmental Systems and Societies SL, Math Applications and Interpretation SL, Psychology SL, Social and Cultural Anthropology SL and World Religions SL.  View our 2024-2025 Cleveland Course Guide and the IB Subject Briefs for more information about these courses.

    Language A: Studies in Language and Literature

    IB English A Literature HL
    IB English A Language and Literature HL
    IB Language A Literature Self-Taught SL (for non-native English speakers or fluent speakers of a second language)

    Language B: Language Acquisition

    IB French SL
    IB Mandarin Chinese SL and HL
    IB Spanish SL and HL

    Societies and Individuals

    IB History of the Americas HL
    IB Psychology SL
    IB Psychology HL
    IB Social and Cultural Anthropology SL
    IB Social and Cultural Anthropology HL
    IB World Religions SL

    Experimental Sciences

    IB Biology SL
    IB Biology HL
    IB Chemistry SL and HL
    IB Environmental Systems and Societies SL
    IB Physics SL


    IB Math Analysis and Approaches HL
    IB Math Analysis and Approaches SL
    IB Math Applications and Interpretation SL

    The Arts

    IB Theatre HL
    IB Visual Arts HL

    Diploma Core

    Theory of Knowledge (ToK)

    For more information, please contact Cleveland's IB Coordinator, Jamie Incorvia, at jincorvia@pps.net.