• Parent Academy 2018-2019
    Leadership / Decision-Making

    Making the Right Choice for Your Child’s Education*
    In this session, you will learn about the school options in PPS. You will become more familiar with the educational options provided at all grade levels, including language immersion and advanced placement courses.

    Understanding Your Childs Graduation Requirements, Credits, GPA and Report Cards*
    All high schools have academic requirements that students must meet in order to graduate. In this session, learn how you can ensure that your child is making satisfactory academic progress in order to advance to the next grade level.

    Advocating for Your Child at School*
    In this session, you will receive information about how to advocate, communicate effectively and work in partnership with school staff and administrators regarding your child’s academic, behavioral and emotional well-being.

    Making Sure that 9th Grade Counts*
    In this workshop, parents will understand the transition from 8th grade to 9th grade. Parents will learn different ways to prepare their children academically and socially for high school.

    Students/Parent Rights and Responsibilities in Public Education*
    This workshop will help parents and students understand the district’s guidelines, policies and procedures; and the consequences of violating school and district policies and procedures.

    Understanding the U.S. Educational System for ESL Parents
    This session is culturally-specific designed to provide an overview of the school system, ESL program, and the importance of parent and family involvement. In this workshop, you will also learn how to read and understand high school transcripts, GPA and report cards.

    How to become a Guardian*
    This session will explain the process of being a guardian when your child with disabilities reaches age 18. Issues addressed will include: Duties of a guardian, preparing and filing legal documents, seeking a waiver of court fees and costs, and service of process to people who have a right to know.

    *These workshops can also be presented for culturally-specific families in Chinese, Russian, Somali, Spanish and Vietnamese
    The mission and vision for the PPS Parent Academy is to create a strong tie between parental involvement, support and communication, and school success for students by providing families with access to valuable educational resources. The goal of the Parent Academy is to connect parents and families with the training, information and support needed for them to become full partners in their children’s education.


  • Three Steps to Requesting a Parent Academy Workshop

    1) Please review the course menu and select the workshop(s) that would be most beneficial for your families and school community.

    2) Email Andrea Wade at awade@pps.net and request the workshop that you would like to offer to your families.

    3) A School-Family Partnerships coordinator will contact you within 2 to 3 business days regarding potential dates and review a partnership agreement (expectations, registration procedure, room/building requirements, etc.).


    We will try to accommodate all requests; however, this is based on program funding and number of requests.

    If there is a workshop that is not reflected in the Workshop Catalog, please contact us to discuss developing a workshop.