• In PPS, we define a Student Success Team as a cross-disciplinary group of between 3-5 classroom teachers who share a cohort of students, typically 9th graders, and who:

    • Participate in data- and protocol-driven discussions during the contract day about students,
    • Identify and implement Tier 2 student interventions,
    • Utilize and refine classroom instructional and grading practices with the intention of keeping students “on track” for graduation.


    Student Success Teams Hold these Guiding Beliefs for Student Success:

    • Children and adults can learn and achieve.
    • Relationships are essential to student success.
    • High and future-minded expectations must be held for all students.
    • Transition plans assist student acclimation to school culture.
    • Opportunities for students to demonstrate success must be varied and plentiful. 


    Student Success Teams’ Work Focuses On:

    1. Using data to identify students who might require Tier 2 interventions and to monitor their “on track” status.
    2. Developing, implementing, and evaluating the interventions the Team puts in place for individual students and for cohorts of students.
    3. Discussing and implementing culturally sustaining teaching practices in response to student needs and to what is revealed by data, especially for students identified as “historically underserved.”
    4. Utilizing equitable grading practices and supporting students’ mastery of standards by providing multiple opportunities to demonstrate proficiency.  
    5. Reflecting on the Team’s use of norms, protocols, data and other features designed to support the work of the Team.
    6. Participating in team-level professional development based on the needs of the Team members around topics, such as equitable grading practices, culturally responsive teaching, and others.
    7. Identifying opportunities for cross-disciplinary curriculum and project-based learning. 
