
Trade Apprenticeship Programs

  • Trade Apprenticeship Programs

    Apprenticeship programs are a great way to earn while you learn. They provide a mix of paid on-the-job training and classroom instruction that prepares you for a career while gaining experience. Most apprenticeships are in the construction trade and offered at a community college, trade school, or an Apprenticeship and Training Center (ATC).

    Average time: Apprenticeship programs vary in length depending on the industry or occupation, but can last anywhere from 1-5 years

    Possible degree: At the end of your program you will receive a credential that is recognized nationwide.


    • PNCI - Pacific NW Carpenters Institute

    • NECA-IBEW Electrical Training 

    • NW College of Construction


    Career, trade, and specialized schools:

    Private Career and Trade Schools provide specialized training and certificate opportunities for students with specific career focuses in fields such as: computer technology, cosmetology, health care, tattoo, real estate, etc. To see a list of career and trade schools licensed by the Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission,

Apprenticeship Resources

  • (Wages and minimum requirements)