Tools and Forms
2024-25 Employee Cost Calculator & Consolidated Conversion Form
- Calculate the total cost, including benefits for any employee
- Fill out the Consolidated Budget FTE Conversion Form
- Simply calculate the total cost of employee hours, including fringe
2024-25 Extended Responsibility Calculator
- Calculate the total ER cost, including fringe for the appropriate rate
2024-25 Budget Transfer Request Form
When filling out the form, please keep in mind:
- Transfer amounts must be in whole dollars
- All Account Codes must be complete and accurate
- An explanation of the purpose of the transfer must be included on the form
- The totals in the "FROM" and "TO" columns must match
- When salary amounts are involved (e.g., Extended Hours or Extended Responsibility), remember to include fringe benefit amounts
- Transfer between appropriation levels (e.g., 10000-Instruction to 20000-Support Services) require approval by the Board of Education
If you have any questions on how to use these tools, please contact your Analyst.