• Digitized Records by School report

    Use to find student records that were scanned within a specified date range. 


    Recommended web browsers: Chrome and Firefox. Note that there is an issue with Internet Explorer - you need to use your mouse wheel rather than the scroll bar to scroll down the list of schools.

    Note: You must have "admin" access to DocuWare to view this report.  If you cannot access this report, you may put in a request to the IT Service Desk to get admin access to DocuWare for your school. The service desk can be reached via email (support@pps.net) or the . 


    To run the report, select the school year from the year drop down.



    This will trigger the population of the school list. Once the school list is populated, select your school from the drop down.



    Select the scan start date and end date. If you want to get the results from only one date, pick the same date for both date filters.



    Click on “View Report”. Your results should be displayed on the screen.



    You can download the results as excel or pdf by clicking on the save icon on results navigation bar.