• Update from Project Lead Stephanie Soden

    Stephanie Soden Flyer

    Stephanie Soden

    Dear PPS Colleagues, 

    When Superintendent Guerrero first introduced the PPS Visioning initiative in June, we promised to keep you updated and apprised as we moved forward. I am excited to share with you our progress over the last several weeks, and to give you a peek at what is to come.

    First, we have named the initiative: Reimagining PPS Together. We tried to capture what it will mean to identify and define the district’s “North Star,” to determine what PPS can be, what it should be, and how we can get to our North Star together, as one, united district.

    We have chosen our project managers, and they are already moving quickly. Those of you who were at the BESC announcement in June might remember hearing from ’s Sonya Lopes and Fiona Hovenden. Sonya and Fiona facilitated the numerous group discussions with PPS employees during the summer, and going forward their responsibilities will include developing the Visioning process, helping us establish key goals and milestones for the process, coordinating and facilitating meetings, and drafting the final report that will synthesize and operationalize months of conversations and considerations.

    We have also formed our Core Team, a cross-functional group of 16 PPS colleagues who, along with Team Lead Jonathan Garcia and I, are responsible for engaging every district stakeholder group, providing individuals across those groups ample opportunity to give their voices to this process and, ultimately, to deliver a final Vision document that reflects the hopes and dreams of our community for the future graduates of 国产真实迷奸 Public Schools.

    There is much more to come, including finalizing our project roadmap and scheduling community meetings. In the meantime, I hope you will take a moment to visit our , where you can find background information and a list of Core Team members. We’ll be adding to that page regularly, so be sure to check back for the latest news.

    All of us are excited about the work ahead, especially hearing from our educators, students, administrators, parents and community members. Through their hopes and dreams will come a call to action that will shape the future of PPS and its graduates.?


    Stephanie Soden
    Chief of Staff, PPS
    Project Lead, Reimagining PPS Together