• Middle School Elective Course Descriptions

    Ultimate Frisbee

    Combining the non-stop movement and athletic endurance of soccer with the aerial passing skills of football. Learn how to throw a frisbee and play ultimate and get lots of exercise.

    One thing that makes Ultimate unique from other sports is that it is self-officiated, meaning that there are no referees and players make their own calls. Sportspersonship, or what in Ultimate we call Spirit of the Game, is essential to the sport. "The integrity of Ultimate depends on each player's responsibility to uphold the Spirit of the Game, and this responsibility should remain paramount." Through Ultimate, players learn integrity, sportswomanship, and how to speak-up for themselves and resolve conflict. 



    We will use Scratch coding to make  games and animations. Students who have taken the class before will get extensions problems and will cover a few topics that the first class didn’t cover.


    Creating Art

    A creative time and space. We’ll spend our time doing a variety of art projects. You do not need to possess any visual art skill, you just need a willingness to create lovely things. Projects might include things like marbled paper boxes with poetry messages, collage, or ancient Chinese-style egg tempera painting. 


    Music Appreciation

    Do you love music? Are you interested in opening up to new genres of music? Have you ever thought about learning to play an instrument? If you answered yes to either of those questions, then Music Appreciation/Beginner Ukulele may be the perfect elective for you. Rock on!



    Some of us need a physical break during the day.  If this applies to you, futsal might be a great elective for you.  As many of you know, futsal is a 5 v 5 soccer game, indoors on a court.  No shin guards, goalie gloves or experience is necessary. This is a game of passing and footwork.  Teams that do well are teams that work together and embrace everyone's strengths.  Come play with us in the gym and make some new friends in the process.  You don't have to have ever kicked a ball to fit in futsal- sign up and give it a shot.


    Creative Writing

    Do you write stories on your own? Do you keep a journal?  Write poetry or song lyrics? Would you like to turn off the "inner editor" that stops you from getting those words down on paper? Then creative writing is the elective for you! Through a variety of writing prompts and exercises, you will work on developing your skills as a writer, including creating interesting characters, improving dialogue, and mapping out a storyline.


    Leadership and Entrepreneurship

    Do you have lots of ideas about how to make the world, or our school, a better place? Maybe you’re not sure where to start, or how to make a difference. This is a project-based elective where you will both learn leadership skills and put them into action. Want to become a change agent for social or environmental justice? Want to start a student store, or business of your own someday? Anyone can become a leader! 


    Dungeon & Dragons

    Want to explore the world of magic and mythical creatures?  Create characters, use your imagination and role play while learning all of the basics of Dungeons and Dragons!! You will gain a foundational knowledge of the game’s rules, learn how to create compelling characters, encounters, and stories, and will have the opportunity to play through several game modules as hands-on practice for these concepts. Get ready to take an adventure through a world of your imagination!


    Basketball & Baseball - Quarter 1

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    Chess - Quarter 2

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    Net Games (Volleyball & Badminton) - Quarter 3

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    Urban Hiking - Quarter 4

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