• SUN School logo SEI
    SUN School 

    SUN School is a resource for removing barriers families may face. We provide a holistic approach so our students improve their learning and enhance their experience at school. 
    SUN School provides free after-school programming for our students with classes that include science and technology, creative and performing arts, sports and movement, and many other options. New classes are introduced to the program each term in order for students to expand their interests through different classes. Programming is held Monday - Thursday (no programming on Friday) from 2:15pm - 4:30pm. In that time, students are also provided with supper and 30 minutes of required study time. 
    In addition to after-school programming, SUN provides services to families in need, such as financial assistance with utilities, clothing, groceries, etc. SUN also provides assistance with housing and job searches, as well as writing and building resumes. All service requests and consultations are confidential and handled by our Family Resource Navigator, Zaria. For all inquiries about assistance, please contact her at: zariaw@selfenhancement.org
    If you are interested in becoming part of our SUN family, please contact our SUN Site Manager, Kylie Acoba via email at kyliea@selfenhancement.org or phone at (971) 533-7737.