Why Should I Volunteer for the Foundation Team?

    Staffing. Plain and simple. The Foundation raises funds that are used for critical staffing needs. Without staff- we don't have a school. 

    Why Join Now?

    The Foundation is trying to effect real change. Efforts to make all events and functions attainable and equitable for all students, staff, and families. 

    Can I ask questions?

    Of course! In the past 2 years, 99% of the Foundation Team has graduated and moved on from Glencoe. It is time to re-build our team and make it stronger than ever. Questions challenge the status quo- and that is what we are trying to do. We need you! 

    What is the commitment level?

    I understand that people don't have extreme amounts of time. I am asking for 1-2 hours a month. That is all. Most likely the first month will be October as we gather more volunteers. This will be fun and hopefully something new and exciting for all who join in. 

    Help raise funds for critical staffing at Glencoe Elementary School. Funds pay for a reading specialist, increased hours for our valuable school secretary, a part-time math teacher and other much needed school and teaching staff.
    Support Glencoe School Foundation today with a one-time financial gift, or consider becoming a monthly sustainer.
    Questions: email Richard Raseley at glencoe.elementary.auction@gmail.com

    Glencoe Foundation

    The Glencoe School Foundation is the sister organization to our school’s PTA. The PTA raises funds to help teachers and students with supplies, activities, events, field trips and other enriching activities. The Foundation raises funds to pay for additional staffing support that is not allowed by PTA rules. The Foundation aims to raise funds over the year through local business and family sponsorships, direct donations from our Glencoe families, Grow Glencoe Auction, and the Jog-A-Thon to pay for our reading specialist, increase hours for our valuable school secretary, on-site IT support, part-time PE teacher and other much needed school and teaching staff.
    Glencoe School Foundation, like all Local School Foundations, fall under the umbrella of The Fund for 国产真实迷奸 Public Schools. The Fund focuses on building and accelerating the identification, cultivation, and strengthening of strategic relationships with those who will serve as investment partners in a citywide movement to create a world-class public school system. This organization’s core function is to create, coordinate and facilitate public, private and philanthropic partnerships that foster equitable opportunities and benefits for PPS students.
    For more information, visit their website:  
    Like all local School Foundations, Glencoe School Foundation contributes 1/3 of all funds raised, after the first $10,000, to be redistributed to PPS schools in the form of PPS Parent Fund grants in their equity fund. Glencoe School Foundation recognized that not all schools are in a position to fundraise at the same level, and is happy to support all 国产真实迷奸 Public Schools.
    Please choose Glencoe Elementary in the purpose field.
    Did you know many employers match your gift? Check here if you think your employer might match: 
    You can also avoid credit card processing fees by mailing a check to the school:
    Glencoe School Foundation
    c/o Glencoe Elementary School
    825 SE 51 st Ave
    国产真实迷奸 OR 97215
    Consider making a sustainable monthly contribution (100% tax deductible)
    Glencoe Foundation Officer:


