
  • Bilingual and Biliterate by Grade 8 ~ 90/10 Model

    What is Dual Immersion?

    Dual Immersion programs use two languages for literacy and content instruction for all students. These programs provide the same academic content and address the same standards as other educational programs. They provide instruction in the two languages over an extended period of time, from kindergarten through eighth grade.

    What the experts say:

    “The American public is under the impression that bilingual education doesn’t work. Yet even a quick glance at the professional literature shows that it does. Study after study has reported that children in bilingual programs typically outperform their counterparts in all-English programs on tests of academic achievement in English. Or, at worst, they do just as well. Numerous reviews of the research have confirmed this conclusion.” ~ Stephen Krashen, USC

           “Students who can enjoy an additive language program that enables them to add a second language to their first, demonstrate higher levels of language proficiency, achievement, and self-concept.“ ~ Katheryn Lindholm-Leary, SJSU

    Goals of the Program

    • Children enrolled in our Dual Immersion program from Kindergarten through 8th grade will become bilingual and biliterate by the end of 8th grade.
    • Students learn at their grade level and develop positive attitudes toward the two languages and the cultures they represent.
    • All students develop positive self-image, multicultural awareness and appreciation for diversity.

    How does Dual Immersion work?  What does it look like at Beach?

    Beach follows the 90/10 dual immersion model, which means 90% of instruction in the first year is in Spanish and 10% is in English. Over the course of the primary grades, the percentage of instruction in Spanish decreases, while the percentage of instruction in English gradually increases. By 4th grade, instruction time in each language reaches a 50/50 ratio and instruction in each language is evenly divided.

    Students will develop high levels of proficiency in their first language. This means that native English speakers will develop high levels of listening, speaking, reading and writing ability in English and English language learners will develop these same abilities in Spanish. Neither group of students will have to forego development in the native language as second language proficiency improves.

    “Well implemented dual immersion programs are among the most impressive forms of education available in the United States. Students who participate in these programs gain grade level ability, well-developed language and literacy skills in two languages and cross-cultural competence.” ~The Education Alliance

    As our world becomes more interconnected, we increasingly depend upon good communication and understanding among people of diverse beliefs and backgrounds.  A dual immersion program can provide students with a unique linguistic, cultural and professional advantage in today’s world. 

    Parents select bilingual programs to challenge and stimulate their children’s cognitive, social, and linguistic development.  Parents are not only concerned with ensuring that their children are exposed to another language, but also want their children to experience a wider range of cultural perspectives.