• Funded Programs

    The PPS Funded Programs Department is responsible for most of the Federal “categorical” dollars allocated by the Oregon Department of Education, the most well known being Title I. These funds are intended to supplement instructional efforts of a school district and should never “supplant” the core instruction. Federal Title funding is also intended to provide extra educational services to support students who are historically underserved. This includes English Learners, Native American students, Migrant students, students who are living in poverty, neglected and

    Funded Programs include the following

    • Title I-A: Support for students and families in poverty Title I-C: Support for our children and families who do migrant work
    • Title I-D: Support for our children who are neglected and delinquent
    • Title II-A: Support for ensuring educator effectiveness for our historically underserved students
    • Title IV-A: Support for providing a well rounded education for all students
    • Title VI: Support to students of documented American Indian ancestry representing over 100 U.S. tribes.
    • Title IX: McKinney-Vento-Support for children experiencing homelessness
  • Students at graduation ceremony