• Friends of Beach Gardens: Save the Date Sunday 11/6 & Other News

    Hello Friends of Beach Gardens,

    Next work party  
    Sunday 11/6, tentatively 8am - noon
    Let's hope for rain by then to soften the grounds for easier weeding. And maybe even some planting! 
    Gardening with students 
    Rhiannon Leonard is our Beach Garden Coordinator, bringing gardening education and experiences into the classroom and teaching the SUN gardening program. If you've been paying attention, she's hugely transformed the vegetable garden in the last six weeks. If not ;) a photo of the dense jungle it was in August is attached as reminder. More updates here:  
    Rhiannon continues to do prep work in the gardens Wednesdays 1pm-3pm. Pop by any week to join in. Because this is during school hours, you will need to have completed the PPS Volunteer Background Check and should check in with the office before heading to the gardens.
    Project wishlist
    I'm inviting you to contribute to this . What do you see as short- and long-term projects to have in mind? What perspective can you offer any projects listed already? 
    As a parent, neighbor, teacher, etc, what do you see as the biggest priorities? What would best support students and staff? Would you like to lead any of these efforts? 
    Surely many of these projects will be more than we can take on entirely as a scrappy group of volunteers, but we can use this list to come together on priorities and see what resources we can drum up over time to make our vision(s) happen. 
    Adopt a bed, adopt a tree
    Would you have interest in adopting a small area of the garden/grounds, that is, checking in on maintenance on a semi-regular basis? For example, watering new plantings in front of the Beach sign while we wait for rain, pruning suckers from trees, keeping tabs on the tree-of-heaven menace that keeps popping its head up around the blacktop, and more. If so, send me a note and your area of interest!
    Add'l shout outs
    Thank you to Jude Hawley for the donations of the plants in front of the Beach sign and her continuing care of them (where's the rain!?!). 
    And thank you to Autumn Davidson for lending tree watering bags to some drought-suffering young trees!
    Ali Lucas