• Is your child sick?

    We are incredibly fortunate to have Shannon Schupp, our RN, on Tuesdays!

    Please remember that students must be symptom free for 24 hours prior to returning to school.  While we recognize this can cause serious challenges with work and schedules, we thank you in advance for your cooperation.

    If your child is going to be absent for any reason, please call our attendance line, 24 hours/day, at 503-916-3625 OR email duniwayattend@pps.net. Leave the student's name, teacher, and reason for the absence (illness, vacation, mental health day, etc) The messages are checked by 9:30 AM every morning. 


    Individuals working, attending, and volunteering in PPS will be required to self-screen daily for symptoms of illness before entering district property or using district transportation. We ask that families use this  at home with your students before sending them to school. Individuals with any of the following excludable symptoms must stay home:

    • Fever (temperature of 100.4°F or higher)
    • A persistent cough that is not yet diagnosed or cleared by a healthcare provider or any acute cough illness or a cough that interferes with participation in usual school activities. 
    • Unexplained difficulty breathing or shortness of breath 
    • New loss of taste or smell 
    • Vomiting, at least one episode that is unexplained 
    • Nasal congestion or runny nose 
    • Diarrhea, sudden onset, inability to control bowels or three or more watery or loose stools in a 24 hour period