• Principal's Update 9/22

    Dear Cleveland Families,

    We are almost finished with the first month of school and are in the full swing of our academic year. We have had a smooth start to the school year which included all class assemblies in the first week. Fall sports are fully engaged in PIL competition, tryouts have happened for the first play, the music department is hosting Playathon next week and IB exam registration is set to start next week. You can keep apprised of our school schedule and events using the . Our school website also features a .

    Back to School Night (BTSN)

    We will be hosting our back to school night on Wednesday, September 27 and are excited to have you meet teachers and learn more about the academic programs offered at CHS. We will have information tables set up in the main hallway so that you can learn more about the parent organizations that provide vital support for our school community. You will be following your student’s schedule to meet their teachers. Please make sure you have access to ParentVue or a copy of your student’s schedule. We will have maps and guides available to assist you in finding your student’s classrooms. 

    BTSN Schedule:

    TAG Information in Library - This session is for parents/guardians of students who are identified as Talented and Gifted (TAG)

    • 5:40 PM - 6:00 PM

    Principal’s Welcome Address in Auditorium 

    • 6:00 PM - 6:25 PM

    Classroom Visits

    • Period 1: 6:30 PM - 6:38 PM
    • Period 2: 6:43 PM - 6:51 PM
    • Period 3: 6:56 PM - 7:04 PM
    • Period 4: 7:09 PM - 7:17 PM
    • Period 5: 7:22 PM - 7:30 PM
    • Period 6: 7:35 PM - 7:43 PM
    • Period 7: 7:48 PM - 7:56 PM
    • Period 8: 8:01 PM - 8:09 PM



    The fall tradition of homecoming is being celebrated at the Warrior stadium on October 6 where our football team will be facing off against McDaniel HS. The festivities will include a parade around the track with cavalcades led by students from each class - freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors. The theme this year is disco. The festivities will continue on Saturday, October 7 at the Homecoming dance - Saturday Night Fever. Tickets will go on sale next week for students. The dance will take place in our very own gym with NO ticket sales at the door and is only for CHS students. Please reach out to Jessica Sawyer (jsawyer@pps.net), our activities director, if you would like to volunteer to help at the dance. Students will also get a behavior pledge that both they and you will need to sign before being able to attend. 


    School Policies

    I shared in my welcome back letter one of the recommendations made by the Superintendent’s Security and School Safety Taskforce that students display their student ID while on campus. All students should now have a physical school ID card that they need to bring to school every day. We also provided CHS lanyards and a plastic sleeve to hold the ID to each student. Adults check these IDs at every entrance to the school. In addition, students need to have their IDs visible when they are out in the hall with a hall pass. Students may get a replacement ID at school should they lose their ID. It is important that our students develop this habit of having their ID with them and visible during the school day.

    Cell phones are permitted at school but need to be put on silent and put away during class time. Each classroom has a sign that reiterates this rule. Where the students put their phone away is up to the teacher with many teachers using numbered pouches to hold cell phones. We want our students fully engaged with their peers and their teacher in class.

    Students will be receiving a physical copy of the . This handbook outlines the policies and practices surrounding student behavior. It includes information about our multi-tiered systems of support, the behavior matrix we use to assess student behavior and address it with appropriate actions, the district drug and alcohol policy, and guidance about suspensions and expulsions. 

    School Modernization

    Applications have been accepted for the Comprehensive Planning Committee, and committee membership will be decided by the Office of School Modernization. Our website includes a link to our modernization website - . This site contains updates on the process and information on how you can send in questions. I am excited to participate in this process with all of our stakeholders and look forward to sharing more information as we engage with each other to envision a new CHS.


    Jo Ann Wadkins


    Cleveland HS