
  • Technology Away/Technology Okay signs will be visible in every classroom setting at McDaniel High School.




    Cell phones/electronic devices may serve as an outstanding instructional tool and learning resource if used appropriately. We encourage our staff members and our students to use electronics and other 21st century devices to supplement instruction and learning.

    In order to preserve the teaching and learning environment, this document serves to clarify the cell phone/electronic devices policy for McDaniel High School in all classroom settings. Technology Away/Technology Okay signs will be visible in every classroom creating a consistent policy throughout the building. The policy is:

    ? Cell phones/electronic devices may only be used for educational purposes in the classroom setting. If a student wishes to use their device for non-educational purposes, they may do so before the morning bell rings, during passing time, lunch, and after school….Monday through Friday.

    ? Students must store their cell phone/electronic device in a location that is not visible to the teacher or other students when the Tech Away sign is visible. Students may use the device with teacher approval; this will be signaled by the Tech Okay/Tech Away sign being turned to Tech Okay. 

    ? If a cell phone/ electronic device is used for any reason and/ or is visible anytime during class time when the Tech Away sign is visible, a staff member may confiscate the device.

    Supports that are in place to assist students:

    Warning Period:  Staff will work with students during the first two weeks of school to adjust to the new system. Warnings will be given. If a student does not put the cell phone away after being warned this will move to a level one offense.

    After the Warning Period:

    First Offense: The teacher will confiscate the device for the remainder of the period and make a phone call home informing the parents/guardians of the offense.

    Second Offense: The teacher will confiscate the device and contact the dean of students to hold the device until the end of the day. The Dean will contact the parents/guardians and help create a plan to support the student in proper tech use. The Dean will assign a lunch detention or after school community based service (the student will have an option to pick a lunch detention or after school clean up).

    Third Offense: The device will be confiscated by the teacher and turned into the Dean. The Dean will contact the parent/guardian. The student will lose the privilege of having the device at school for 5 days. The student will need to turn in the device to the Dean before school starts and pick up the device from the dean after school is out.

    Fourth Offense: The device will be confiscated by the teacher and turned into the Dean. A parent/guardian meeting will be scheduled with the Dean. The device will not be returned until a parent meeting has taken place and a contract signed by the student, parent/guardian, and Dean detailing further supports needed to ensure the student is successful in understanding the Tech OK/Tech Away policy.

    The staff of McDaniel High School requests your FULL co-operation with our policy in order to preserve a productive learning environment for all students.

    Students will be able to check their phones before school, during passing times, at lunch, and afterschool. In the event of an immediate emergency, please call the main school line at 503-916-5220.