Food Resources

Organizations Dedicated to Alleviating Food Insecurity

  • Hand Up Project's - The People's Pantry

  • Hereford House

  • Jefferson High School PTSA Food Market

  • Meals4Kids: Meals On Wheels

  • Need Food?

  • One Oregon

  • Oregon Food Bank

  • PPS Nutrition Services

  • St. Johns Food Share

  • The Salvation Army, Moore Saint Corps - Food Distribution Center

  • These resources were initially compiled by Jed McClean LSSW, Dany Douglas MSW Intern, & Will Polikoff MSW Intern ('19-'20), Amanda Mayernik MSW Intern ('20-'21), Esther Manea MSW Intern ('21-'22), Jed McClean, LSSW, CSWA ('22-present)