• 2023-2024 ASB Officers

    Lucia Donovan, Senior, Co-President
    Lucia Donovan has been working alongside leadership since her sophomore year, officially joining the class this year as a senior. She is in charge of multiple large projects here at Ida B Wells including the voter registration and food drives, student involvement around the school and community, and increasing spirit throughout the student body. As the senior class president, Donovan gets the opportunity to work alongside everyone in the leadership community, mentioning “I just love how everyone I get to work with is really committed to what they’re doing and they all put in so much effort.” Her big projects this year include Guardian Grounding and Multicultural week. Outside of leadership, Lucia plays varsity golf and lacrosse along with her enjoyment of sewing, thrifting and hosting her friends.

    Amelia Garrahan, Senior, Co-President
    Amelia Garrahan is a senior at Ida B. Wells and has been with leadership for three years. Amelia works on increasing school spirit within the student body by raising awareness towards fun school events. When describing her favorite aspect of working with ASB, she said ”it is a really cool opportunity to be able to build stronger, more personal connections with the student body and administration.” Outside of leadership, you can find Amelia on the softball field, reading and working at Caitlin's Closet in Multnomah Village.

    Quinlyn O’Neill, Senior, Communications
    Quinlyn O’Neill is in her second year of leadership as a senior and is in charge of curating engaging media for school announcements. This includes the bright posters posted around school and the occasional social media post. Quinlyn has a deep love for leadership, saying “it gave me a chance to make the change that I think the school needs.” Outside the classroom, O’Neill enjoys hanging out with friends, babysitting, and interning in a second grade classroom at Rieke Elementary School.

    Sebastian Porter, Junior, Communications
    Sebastien Porter is in his third year of leadership at Ida B Wells and is the manager of all IBW Leadership social media. He works on improving communication from the administration to the student body by creating interesting, interactive media. When asked if he thinks his work is making a difference, Sebastien replies with, “what I do matters because people wouldn’t know if events are happening, spirit week days, and just being in the know is really important.” In his free time, Sebastien enjoys shopping, traveling and competing in all-star cheerleading.

    Justin Weinberg, Senior, Athletic/Spirit Commissioner
    Justin Weinberg is a senior and is in his first year of leadership. You can find Justin working on athletic events at Ida B Wells, boosting student attendance and support for the athletes. Despite just starting this year, Justin can already see change happening, saying, “I felt like before I was on ASB, I didn’t really have a voice. But since being here, I feel like I’ve really been able to make an impact”.  Justin enjoys going to the gym and playing baseball in his spare time.

    Claire Dixon, Junior, Athletic/Spirit Commissioner
    Claire Dixon, a junior at Ida B. Wells, has been a part of leadership since her freshman year. She is one of the athletic/spirit commissioners and works on improving student engagement at sporting events. Claire loves leadership, saying, “I’ve always seen myself as a leader and it just been so much fun going out and planning fun events with my friends.” Dixon loves to be involved in school athletics through leadership and through being the captain of the soccer and basketball teams. Other than her various sports, Claire likes hanging out with her family and dog, going to the gym with her friends and working as a hair salon receptionist.

    Jade Marotta, Junior, Event Coordinator
    Jade Marotta is a junior at Ida B Wells and is in her sixth year in the PPS Leadership Program. Jade plans most of the student-centralized events, like dances, and is the founder of the Ida B. Flea Market. Jade is engaged in multiple leadership programs outside of school, a couple of those being the Bill and Melinda Gate Leadership Program and the Springs Leadership and Management Program. Jade really enjoys being a part of the leadership community, saying “planning these events is something that I really enjoy doing and keeping the student population in the forefront of my mind and making school a more inclusive place.” Aside from the leadership programs, you can find Jade doing business camps, DECA, and speech and debate.

    Delaney Starr, Senior, Event Coordinator
    Delaney Starr is a senior at Ida B Wells high school and is in her fourth year of leadership, this year being her first with the ASB team. Delaney has been in charge of school-wide assembly organization for the past couple years and has recently taken on the role of planning prom. Delaney says her favorite aspect of leadership is the community, saying “We’re all teammates and friends and it’s really nice to be able to bounce ideas off each other.” She makes a positive impact in the IBW community by improving inclusivity in the school climate. Outside of leadership, you can find Delaney on the softball field, throwing javelin during track season and being active with her friends.

    Eesa Taylor, Sophomore, DSC/Climate
    Eesa is in his second year at Ida B Wells high school and his second year of leadership. Eesa is the alternate 国产真实迷奸 Student Council representative for the IBW community, making him in charge of advocating for student’s needs and proposing plans that help improve the school climate across the district. Eesa enjoys this communicative aspect of leadership, mentioning “I really love being in the know and brainstorming ways to help our school at the district level.” When he isn’t brainstorming ways to better the community, he enjoys going to the gym, thrifting and watching movies.

    Rory Daniels, Junior, DSC/Climate
    Rory Daniels is a junior at Ida B Wells and in her third year of leadership. As the class representative back in 9th grade, Rory has now taken the role of the main 国产真实迷奸 Student Council representative. Alongside her passion in advocating for the needs of students in her community, she enjoys planning events that help raise awareness about the district’s role in the school climate, one of those being the Student Summit. Rory’s favorite aspect of leadership and ASB is “coming together and collaborating with my friends and classmates”. Rory is very active at IBW outside of leadership. From softball to captain of the speech and debate team to participating as an Outdoor School Teacher, Rory plays a key role in the Ida B Wells community. 

    Eden Evans, Junior. Secretary
    Eden Evans is a junior at Ida B. Wells and this is her first year on the ASB/Leadership team. She prioritizes poster design and dance planning, but she also plays a vital role in assembly coordination. Eden’s passion project this year is the Male Beauty Pageant, a fundraising event for Doernbecher Children’s Hospital. Eden mentions, “I really like the light-hearted community because we get to think outside the box,” when talking about her favorite aspect of working with leadership. Eden loves to host her friends and is also a part of the IBW Theater Program.

    Hunter Robertson, Senior, Treasurer