• English as a Second Language (ESL) is comprised of a series of courses ranging from beginning through advanced. Each course is designed to teach the emerging and progressing bi-lingual students the oral, written, and reading skills necessary to function in a mainstream class. Progress toward mastery is the goal of each course.

    Curriculum is selected and designed to prepare students for eventual mastery of the state and district benchmarks.

    English Language Development (ELD) is required for all students in the ESL program and is to be taken in conjunction with a mainstream English class depending upon the student’s English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA) level.



    Year 9 – 12 Prerequisites: ELPA 1 or 2; concurrent enrollment in an English class 1 unit, 1 period
    This course focuses on emerging bi-lingual students. We will use adopted textbooks, short stories and selected novels to begin preparing students for high school course work. The use of current events, maps, graphs, charts, a learning log, and various pieces of literature reinforce listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Cooperative learning gives chances for social interaction and oral language development. This course must be taken in conjunction with a mainstream English class. This course receives elective credit.

    Year 9 – 12 Prerequisites: ELPA level 3 or 4; concurrent enrollment in a mainstream English course required. 1 unit, 1 period
    This course focuses on progressing bi-lingual students. Acquisition will be gained through conversation, reading, and writing. Students will focus on developing their English skills in order to transition to mainstream courses. Emphasis will be placed on language development through use of vocabulary, various types of literature and writing process activities. This course must be taken in conjunction with a mainstream English class. This course receives elective credit.