• Overview

    Media & Communication

    • Yearbook: Junior  Troyan
    • Yearbook: Troyan
    • Wilson Magazine
    • Journalism: Intro

    Other Electives

    • Leadership
    • Laboratory Assistant
    • Library Aide: Recreational Reading and Library
    • Library Aide:  Technoogy and Library
    • Peer Helper
    • Teacher Assistant
    • Counseling Center Aide
  • Courses

    Media and Communication

    Yearbook: Junior Troyan Year 9 – 11 Prerequisite: must have a grade of “A” or “B” in English and teacher approval. 1 unit, 1 period
    This class prepares freshmen, sophomores and juniors for yearbook staff. Students will explore all aspects of the publication process, including advertising design and sales, desktop publishing, writing copy, layout and headline design, photography and digital photography. Students will have daily access to the Macintosh publications lab and learn to use several desktop publishing programs. Students will publish the 28–page spring yearbook supplement as their final project. They will cover such activities as the Junior/Senior Prom, Rose Festival, spring sports, and graduation activities. This is a fun yet practical class with many group–oriented activities

    Yearbook: Troyan Year 10 – 12 Prerequisite: must have an “A” in Junior Troyan or Adv. Visual Art Photography and teacher approval. 1 unit, 1 period
    This is a production course requiring considerable ability using the skills introduced in Junior Troyan. The class will combine the skills of artists, photographers, copywriters, and business managers to produce the school yearbook, Troyan, in the Macintosh publications lab. Students will use the following programs in the publishing process: InDesign CC, Photoshop CC and Microsoft Office. Some have compared this class to a small business, where the students are the shareholders and the employees. Students who exceed in the class will have the opportunity to return the following year as an editor, allowing them to have direct control of the foundational details of the yearbook. Yearbook Honors credit for Editors only.

    Wilson Magazine Year 10 – 12 Prerequisite: Journalism: Intro or teacher approval. 1 unit, 1 period.
    If you have something to say, this is the place to do it! Students in this high–tech hands–on class publish the Horse, the student magazine. The Horse offers students a place to express themselves in all manners, from traditional journalism, including Op-Ed, reviews and photo journalism, to video pieces, podcasting, and pretty much anything else that allows a student to express a viewpoint or cover an issue relevant to the world today. The Horse needs self-motivated students who are strong in writing (or are willing to learn) and have a desire to explore all the opportunities that modern publications have to offer.
    Wilson Magazine Honors credit for Editors only.

    Journalism: Intro Year 9-12 Prerequisite: None 1 unit, 1 period
    This introduction media class is designed to introduce students to the history of journalism, the elements of style, and the importance of the press. The goal is to pique interest while preparing students with the skills needed to participate on a publications staff: print or digital. We learn the technical pieces of journalistic writing, the ethics and responsibilities involved in being a professional journalist, the components of layout and design, the cutting-edge technology used in modern media, and the business aspect of advertising. Students will develop their ability to write ledes, news, editorials, features, and sports stories. The other objective is to understand what it means to be professional and responsible with the freedom of speech provided to you under the First Amendment and protected under Oregon’s Student Journalism Press Law.

    Other Electives

    Leadership Year 9 – 12 Prerequisite: election to Student Body or class office. 1 unit, 1 period
    This course is required of all students holding elective student body, class, or student senate offices, as well as students who have been appointed to office. Students will explore leadership style as well as their own potential, practice goal setting and time management, work on public relations and project planning, and acquire skills in decision–making and conflict resolution. Leadership students are responsible for planning and implementation of most of the assemblies held throughout the year and work closely with the Activities Director to plan human relations activities. All other extracurricular activities such as dances and clubs flow through the leadership class. Students are encouraged to participate actively in both school and community service projects.

    Laboratory Assistant Year 10–12 Prerequisite: Students must have previously taken the class and received a C or better. Instructor approval required.
    Students who are selected as laboratory assistants will help the instructor in lab design, set–up, repair, and clean–up. Additionally, lab assistants will peer mentor students who need to make up labs after school or during tutor time. Students who are selected as laboratory assistants will help the instructor in lab design, set–up, repair, and clean–up. Additionally, lab assistants will peer mentor students who need to make up labs after school or during tutor time.

    Library Aide: Recreational Reading and Library Year 10-12 Prerequisite: None 1 unit, 1 period
    Students in Library Aide: Recreational Reading and Library will choose materials to read recreationally across a wide variety of formats and genres based on their interests. Additionally, library aids will assist in maintaining the library collection and physical space. Students will perform many of the tasks required of library assistants in academic and public library environments. This is a graded (A-F) class.

    Library Aide: Technology and Library Year 10-12 Prerequisites: None 1 unit, 1 period
    Students will Library Aide: Technology and Library will assist the library in maintaining desktop computers, Chromeboxes, Chromebooks, and other mobile technology. Duties could include loading files onto devices, testing equipment, testing software, and cleaning technology. Additionally, library aids will assist in maintaining the library collection and physical space. Students will perform many of the tasks required of library assistants in academic and public library environments. This is a graded (A-F) class.

    Peer Helper Year 10–12 Prerequisite: Teacher permission required 1 unit 1 period
    This course offers service learning experience working with people with disabilities, tutoring and coaching in academic, social, and functional skills

    Teacher Assistant Year 10–12 Prerequisite: Teacher permission required 1 unit 1 period
    Perform routine clerical assistance for a particular teacher. The student is expected to be regular in attendance and to be on task during the period. Specific responsibilities are per contract with the particular teacher. This is a pass/no pass class.

    Counseling Center Aide Year 10–12 Prerequisite: Counseling Office Staff permission required 1 unit 1 period
    Perform routine clerical assistance for the Counseling Office. The student is expected to be regular in attendance and to be on task during the period. Specific responsibilities are per contract with Counseling Office. This is a pass/no pass class.